1. DMV: Department of Motor Vehicles(机动车部门)
2. DL: Driver’s License(驾照)
3. DUI: Driving Under Influence(酒后驾车)
4. DWS: Driving While Suspended(被暂停驾驶证驾车)
5. GDL: Graduated Driver Licensing(分级驾驶许可证)
6. IID: Ignition Interlock Devices(点火锁定设备,指醉酒后要使用的呼气测试器)
7. LID: Limited Instructional permit(学习驾驶许可证)
8. MVR: Motor Vehicle Record(机动车档案资料)
9. OUI: Operating Under the Influence(酒后驾车)
10. POV: Privately Owned Vehicle(私人车辆)
11. PSA: Public Service Announcement(公共服务广告)
12. RPI: Restricted Probationary License(限制性缓刑许可证)
13. SR: Safety Responsibility(安全责任保险)
14. TADRA: TeenageAdult Driver Responsibility Act(青少年及成人驾驶员责任法案)
15. VMR: Vehicle Maintenance Record(车辆维护纪录)